I'm dropping the Weboffunny.com domain address on August 2, 2017, and the domain address will revert to the old URL of weboffunny.blogspot.com.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Samurai costume fail

Funny...I didn't know there were Samurai in the crusades.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Minecraft Style

A Gangnam Style parody with English lyrics.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

For those with expensive tastes

Kiek in de Kok

Annoying Concert girl

Funny and odd Google searches 2

I decided to go to the LMGTFY live stream of Google searches again and see what people were searching for.  Here's some of the funny ones.

Why do I feel like a complete noob? --- You think Google will tell you this?

i got a small wiener --- That's not really a query...that's just a statement...

hi --- It's a search engine...not a chat bot.

How to use Google --- You really need to ask?

that porno with sam's mom in it --- That really narrows it down.

See my original post here.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Shadow Animal

Fry isn't sure if he's being complimented or not

I wondered this once when someone told me I was very diplomatic and should be in politics in Washington.

Star Wars in Black and White

First as a silent film...

And then as a premake.